The introduction worksheets are designed to introduce target language or grammar in a written or more concrete form. They also include small grammar tips from Eddy English at the bottom of some pages. Most files contains several pages in a building format that can be given out one sheet per lesson or all together. Some are just basic introduction/explanation printables.

They are very similar to many children's textbooks but I think they offer a little more. Although they are not considered by myself as talking worksheets (the line is sometimes hard to draw,) I go over all of the exercises verbally first and generally assign the writing as homework. That way they have done the worksheet at least two times.







feelings (be)



be verbs (negative formation)



be verbs (question formation)



be + adjective (for description)



have + noun (for description)


two (has got)

There is.../There are...



have to



not yet, just, already



plural nouns (s, es, ies ...)



singular nouns (an ...)



Worksheets on tenses and time:





present - third person singular

3rd person



These tense worksheets have a lot Mark-isms in there. If you have any questions about why something is presented a certain way or you'd like me to clarify something, please ask away.

Here are some small previews that will load quickly for you if you just want an idea about what these worksheets look like:

Eddy English is a little English grammar guru who provides some advice, new tips and offers some reminders about old tips. My students find that section a nice reference to quickly look something up in their file.

There is a new dialog maker or comic strip maker you can use the create your own dialogues with characters. Unfortunately, this uses Flash and it isn't compatible with mobile browsers or Chrome.

MES English

MES English Certificate Templates Printable Cards Phonics Worksheets Worksheet Makers ESL Listening

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